Dear reader,
Life is an interesting thing. At 4 in the morning you can listen to the news in a gloomy English countryside and a few hours later you can bask in the sun in a small cervejaria in Porto.

“We’re talking about simple things or
Things that we suddenly remember,
when the sun emerges
From a brief tear in the clouds. “
Nuno Judice
But I am not here to brag about my impulsive travel decisions, only to give unwanted advice. I love them. If you know me, you should know that. Especially when they are towards me.
If you have a chance to travel, take it. Fill your memory with unknown houses, faces and colours. And if that is not inspiring for an artist, tell me what is! Sometimes you just have to escape. Escape from your daily worries, from your routines and set up an adventure. It won’t be easy. The guilt, the thoughts… the suffocating feeling in your chest. But you have to do it, to stay sane, to stay “you” or simply to inspire yourself.

I am still searching for that inspiration and won’t stop. Sometimes it’s hidden in the yawn of a cat, singing teddy bear on the street or a misplaced tile. But I’m running after it.
“Night Porto smells like freedom, sea and new friends”.
Porto was my first destination of the small trip and if you haven’t visited it, it is beautiful. But to be honest you have to take it slowly. Not to hurry from place to place but to take your time to breathe, take your time to find the misplaced tiles on the Sao Bento’s walls.
And I will be reckless enough to say it – losing yourself in Rebeira is worth it.

Don’t follow the tourists, jump into the local bar to sketch your partner while they drink a cerveja. Or you can sketch the rooftops, no geometry, just emotions. And don’t forget to say “Obrigado!” for the hospitality, for the experience and for the view.
Love always,