My dear reader, welcome to my place for art, where I’m constantly learning and searching for inspiration. If that inspiration stays for longer I’ll let you know. Today me and you will travel again. This time to the beautiful Sevilla, Spain.
Surrounded by so many orange trees, green and fresh…I wondered why I couldn’t taste them. And if I could would I’d be able to bear the bitterness? Long time ago I’ve tried. Later on, I’ve learned that Seville is the city with most orange trees in the world. How could I not paint one of them? And there I was in the middle of the heat – admiring, painting oranges.

I am starting to feel more comfortable in creating loose sketches and playing with these colours. A few months ago I rediscovered the magic of making art outside. Outside of the studio and outside of my comfort zone. Maybe it is normal for an artist to feel lost, for a person in general from time to time as well. But they have to keep trying till they find the path again. Changing the climate and creating new experiences was vital for me and my art. Thank you for being with me on this journey and I really hope some of these places lit up your imagination and inspired you to create a piece of art.
I couldn’t capture the beauty of Seville at its whole but I made an attempt. This again is not a travel guide but the messy thoughts and reflections of an artist, searching for herself in meanwhile -basking in the glory of the world, filled with wonders. And this is my short video attempt to show you some of it.
Love always,