Catwell art

LAtest posts

Italy escape
Dear reader! I have a confession to make. I did it again… I escaped reality in gorgeous Italy! Amalfi coast There are many reasons why we people need some time off from everything. And we are...
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Meanwhile the apocalypse
My dear reader, so glad that you are here. Today I’d like to talk to you about loneliness, human’s self -destructive nature and why we prefer sitting in our bubble instead of doing something...
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Feeling Home
Dear reader, Welcome to my blog/rambling! I can’t express how happy I’m that you stepped by on this page! Today I would like to talk about home and what we consider to be it, but think global. Isolated...
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latest prints


My name is Radost Dimitrova and I am an artist originally from Bulgaria, currently living in the United Kingdom. I have been drawing all my life, for as long as I can recall and decided to dedicate my life to art. In my art you can…


If you have any enquiries you can contact me via email or social media!

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