Museum date in bristol

A city of thought provoking creativity, welcoming, vibrant atmosphere and an amalgamation of cultures. A city that could be inspiration on its own. And that’s Bristol.

Welcome to my blog, my friends! I am happy to be able to write you a letter again! I want to share some of my thoughts and experiences from Bristol, UK and of course, to show you my sketches from the museum.

Creators can’t constantly create, every now and then, they need a different perspective, a time away from everyday problems. We need a space and time to lid a creative sparkle, a space where art is a something alive and breathing and we don’t need excuses to enjoy it. A space to be oneself.

I am not going to lie, for the past few months being an art creator was a painful task for me and I was struggling not only with my inspiration. Like this whole year felt like a lost one… Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am dramatizing. Who says that runnning from problems can’t be a solution? I decided to run away, to run away from the town and the endless house chores for 2 days. I was pleasantly surprised from Bristol. Maybe because I was tourist, I don’t know but I felt it like a place for artists. That’s why I wanted to capture some moments with my camera but also in my sketchbook.

The skull of Temnodontosaurus

Roaming the streets of Bristol, it’s almost impossible to miss the vibrant graffiti art. On streets, walls and bridges you can find captivating images staying later in your thoughts, making you wonder what’s behind and forming the city’s amazing façade. And right there from these streets hails non other but Banksy himself.

Walking up and down the streets of Bristol felt like a date on its own, a date with the city. And there I found Bristol museum and art gallery where I gathered some inspiration to draw again and it’s free to enter for the main exhibition. Here you can check out >>

How I collected some inspiration, my drawing process and of course some interesting stories, You can find in the video!

I really hope you enjoyed my adventrures and that inspired you to draw, paint and express yourself more often. Where are we without that ART???



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