My first art exhibition

Dear reader,

I would love to share with you an emotional moment of my life – my first art exhibition. Three of my watercolour paintings were chosen to be part of the Spring exhibition of the D31 Gallery in Doncaster, UK . I can’t describe how happy and nervous I was trying to get anything done professionally ! But there she is– first time exhibiting, making her baby steps. Am I afraid? “Terrified!” But do you know, I won’t let that fear stop me from pursuing my dreams.

The title of the art exhibition is “The magic of transformation”. At the very first moment I saw it, I knew I had to apply. My whole art journey is a transformation, on its own. It changes me and I believe touches people’s hearts, engages their minds which is one of the most important purposes.

Spring is the season of new beginnings, changes and transformations. Spring creates infront of us a living, breathing piece of art. And everything changes and I believe it is for good. We should not be afraid of these transformations, instead we have to embrace them as new opportunities.

 And then the magic happened. I’ve been chosen to participate! At the launch party, I was so surprised to understand that my painting “Blooming flower” was chosen in top 10 by a jury! Isnt that amazing? More about “Blooming flower” you can read here 👉

 And the rest is history but I was able to catch some of these emotional, divine moments. My partner collected them on camera and created a short video, to preserve this lovely memory. If you want to see what happened in my first EVER art exhibition, to taste the atmosphere of that incredible evening in D31 gallery, just click on the video.

love always,


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